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End of April Update

Hi! So, first blog post. Real "first time, long time" vibes, right? 

I don't anticipate using this blog too regularly. Not at this point anyway. Really it's just sort of here to hold me to project goals through a combination of vanity and shame. Vanity, of course because this whole thing suggests I think I'm important enough for all of you to keep tabs on, and Shame because if I make a promise to the void it doesn't matter but if I make a promise to you, my imaginary internet followers then, well... 

So what am I up to? Mostly alternating between fine tuning WEIRD CITY and working on the second draft of what I hope will someday be a published memoir.  Feels a bit cart-before-the-horse-y to talk about either of them in any real depth at this point, though WEIRD CITY is certainly closer to being a real thing than BABYCRAZY (that's what I'm calling my manuscript).  I do have a couple of essay submissions floating out there, one of which I'm feeling better about than the other. I also have a short book review due to be published in the June issue of Rhode Island Monthly. Expect a link to that when it's live. 

Anyway - thanks for stopping by. Expect something else to show up here, but don't expect any kind of schedule or whatever. At best I'd say this is where I'll drop half-baked one-off ideas and sporadic project updates.

- T